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182Bilateral AgreementsComputer Engineering DepartmentComputer Engineering (English)Tunisia International Institute of Technologie (IIT)  20242029 ENTümüB2, C1, C2
182Bilateral AgreementsElectrical and Electronics Engineering DepartmentElectrical and Electronics Engineering (English)Tunisia International Institute of Technologie (IIT)  20242029 ENTümüB2, C1, C2
186Bilateral AgreementsHistory DepartmentHistoryAzerbaijan Baku State University  20232028 ENTümüB2, C1, C2
183Bilateral AgreementsPolitical Science and International Relations DepartmentPolitical Science and International Relations (English)Korea (South) The Catholic University of Korea  20242029 ENTümüB2, C1, C2
181Bilateral AgreementsPsychology DepartmentPsychology (English)Serbia and Montenegro University of Donja Gorica  20242029 ENTümüB2, C1, C2
184Bilateral AgreementsSoftware Engineering DepartmentSoftware Engineering (English)Kosova University of Prizren “Ukshin Hoti”  20242029 ENTümüB2, C1, C2
5Erasmus+AdvertisingAdvertisingRomania Danubius University of Galati RO GALATI0220202028Email: adriana.popoiu@univ-danubius.ro Link for more information: https://univ-danubius.ro/en/compartimentul-erasmus-plus/erasmus Students can get information regarding the course offers to be given at the partner institutions by examining their Erasmus websites for the incoming students.ENTümüB2, C1, C2
38Erasmus+AdvertisingAdvertisingLithuania SMK University of Applied Social Science LT KLAIPED0420182028Email: donata.dulke@smk.lt Link for more information: https://www.smk.lt/en/erasmus/ Students can get information regarding the course offers to be given at the partner institutions by examining their Erasmus websites for the incoming students.ENTümüB2, C1, C2
53Erasmus+AdvertisingAdvertisingSpain Universidad Catolica San Antonio De Murcia E MURCIA0520142028Email: cristinagc@ucam.edu Link for more information: https://www.ucam.edu/servicios/oficina-relaciones-internacionales/incoming-students Students can get information regarding the course offers to be given at the partner institutions by examining their Erasmus websites for the incoming students. The English courses very limited, candidates should check the links below: - https://international.ucam.edu/internationalENTümüB2, C1, C2
55Erasmus+AdvertisingAdvertisingSpain Universidad de Santiago de Compostela E SANTIAG0120142028Email: erasmus.in@usc.gal Link for more information: https://www.usc.es/en/mobility-programmes-incoming-students Students can get information regarding the course offers to be given at the partner institutions by examining their Erasmus websites for the incoming students.ENTümüB2, C1, C2
61Erasmus+AdvertisingAdvertisingPortugal Universidade Lusofona de Humanidades e Tecnologias P LISBOA5220142028Email: mobilidade@ulusofona.pt Link for more information: https://www.ulusofona.pt/en/the-erasmus Students can get information regarding the course offers to be given at the partner institutions by examining their Erasmus websites for the incoming students.ENTümüB2, C1, C2
72Erasmus+AdvertisingAdvertisingRomania Universitatea de Vest din Timisoara RO TIMISOA0120142028Email: erasmus.incoming@e-uvt.ro Link for more information: https://ri.uvt.ro/erasmus-incoming-studenti-2/?lang=en Students can get information regarding the course offers to be given at the partner institutions by examining their Erasmus websites for the incoming students.ENTümüB2, C1, C2
193Erasmus+AdvertisingAdvertisingSlovakia University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava SK TRNAVA0220232028Email: erasmus@ucm.sk Link for more information: https://www-old.ucm.sk/en/incoming-students-en/ Students can get information regarding the course offers to be given at the partner institutions by examining their Erasmus websites for the incoming students. ENTümüB2, C1, C2
3Erasmus+Institute of Social ScienceApplied Psychology Master's DegreeRomania Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad RO ARAD0120182028Email: bpc@uav.ro  Link to the Erasmus website: https://www.uav.ro/en/internationalisation/erasmus/erasmus-incoming-students Students can get information regarding the course offers to be given at the partner institutions by examining their Erasmus websites for the incoming students.ENTümüB2, C1, C2
5Erasmus+Institute of Social ScienceApplied Psychology Master's DegreeRomania Danubius University of Galati RO GALATI0220202028Email: adriana.popoiu@univ-danubius.ro Link for more information: https://univ-danubius.ro/en/compartimentul-erasmus-plus/erasmus Students can get information regarding the course offers to be given at the partner institutions by examining their Erasmus websites for the incoming students.ENTümüB2, C1, C2
11Erasmus+Institute of Social ScienceApplied Psychology Master's DegreeGermany Heinrich-Heine-Universitat Düsseldorf D DUSSELD0120142028Email: exchange-students@hhu.de Link for more information: https://www.hhu.de/internationales/profil/erasmus-an-der-hhu/erasmus-studium Students can get information regarding the course offers to be given at the partner institutions by examining their Erasmus websites for the incoming students.ENTümüB2, C1, C2
14Erasmus+Institute of Social ScienceApplied Psychology Master's DegreeMacedonia International Balkan University MK SKOPJE0420192028Email: iro.incoming@ibu.edu.mk Link for more information: https://iro.ibu.edu.mk/student-mobility-for-studies-sms-im/ Students can get information regarding the course offers to be given at the partner institutions by examining their Erasmus websites for the incoming students. ENTümüB2, C1, C2
17Erasmus+Institute of Social ScienceApplied Psychology Master's DegreeMacedonia International Vision University MK GOSTIVA0120202028Email: erasmus@vizyon.edu.mk Link for more information: https://iro.vizyon.edu.mk/en/Contents/erasmus-coordinator Students can get information regarding the course offers to be given at the partner institutions by examining their Erasmus websites for the incoming students.ENTümüB2, C1, C2
21Erasmus+Institute of Social ScienceApplied Psychology Master's DegreeAustria Karl-Franzens-Universitat Graz A GRAZ0120152028Email: erasmus.incoming@unigraz.at Link for more information: https://international.uni-graz.at/de/incoming-exchange/ Students can get information regarding the course offers to be given at the partner institutions by examining their Erasmus websites for the incoming students.ENTümüB2, C1, C2
185Erasmus+Institute of Social ScienceApplied Psychology Master's DegreeRomania National University of Science and Technology POLITEHNICA Bucharest RO BUCURES4320242029 ENTümüB2, C1, C2
65Erasmus+Institute of Social ScienceApplied Psychology Master's DegreeItaly Universita Telematica Internazionale Uninettuno I ROMA2420142028Email: erasmus@uninettunouniversity.net Link for more information: https://www.uninettunouniversity.net/en/programma_erasmus.aspx Students can get information regarding the course offers to be given at the partner institutions by examining their Erasmus websites for the incoming students.ENTümüB2, C1, C2
70Erasmus+Institute of Social ScienceApplied Psychology Master's DegreeGermany Universität zu Lübeck D LUBECK0120142028Email: una.doherty@uni-luebeck.de Link for more information: https://www.uni-luebeck.de/en/university-education/international/international-students/exchange-students.html Students can get information regarding the course offers to be given at the partner institutions by examining their Erasmus websites for the incoming students.ENTümüB2, C1, C2
93Erasmus+Institute of Social ScienceApplied Psychology Master's DegreeGermany University of Würzburg D WURZBUR0120192028Email: nicole.schmitt@uni-wuerzburg.de Link for more information: https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/international/studieren-im-ausland/erasmus-studium/ueberblick-und-bewerbungsbedingungen/ https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/international/studying-in-wuerzburg/exchange-students/ Students can get information regarding the course offers to be given at the partner institutions by examining their Erasmus websites for the incoming students.ENTümüB2, C1, C2
113Erasmus+Institute of Social ScienceApplied Psychology Master's DegreeCroatia University of Zagreb HR ZAGREB0120232028Email: incoming@unizg.hr  Link for more information: https://www.unizg.hr/homepage/international-exchange/exchange-students/ Students can get information regarding the course offers to be given at the partner institutions by examining their Erasmus websites for the incoming students. ENTümüB2, C1, C2
95Erasmus+Institute of Social ScienceApplied Psychology Master's DegreePoland Uniwersytet Gdanski PL GDANSK0120142028Email: erasmus.incoming@ug.edu.pl Link for more information: https://en.ug.edu.pl/incoming_students/erasmus_2021-2027/erasmus_incoming Students can get information regarding the course offers to be given at the partner institutions by examining their Erasmus websites for the incoming students.ENTümüB2, C1, C2
100Erasmus+Institute of Social ScienceApplied Psychology Master's DegreePoland WYZSZA SKOLA HANDLOWA W RADOMIU PL RADOM0420142028Email: erasmus@wab.edu.pl Link for more information: https://wab.edu.pl/dla-studenta/erasmus/ Students can get information regarding the course offers to be given at the partner institutions by examining their Erasmus websites for the incoming students.ENTümüB2, C1, C2
185Erasmus+Institute of Social ScienceApplied Psychology Master's Program (Non-Thesis)Romania National University of Science and Technology POLITEHNICA Bucharest RO BUCURES4320242029 ENTümüB2, C1, C2
6Erasmus+Bioengineering DepartmentBioengineering (English)Greece Democritus University of Thrace G KOMOTIN0120172028Email: intrela@duth.gr Link to the Erasmus website: https://duth.gr/en/Education/Erasmus Students can get information regarding the course offers to be given at the partner institutions by examining their Erasmus websites for the incoming students.ENTümüB2, C1, C2
18Erasmus+Bioengineering DepartmentBioengineering (English)Poland Jan Dlugosz University PL CZESTOC0220182028Email: international@ujd.edu.pl Link for more information: http://www.en.ujd.edu.pl/articles/view/erasmus http://www.en.ujd.edu.pl/articles/view/erasmus-incoming-students-and-staff-factfinder Students can get information regarding the course offers to be given at the partner institutions by examining their Erasmus websites for the incoming students.ENTümüB2, C1, C2
30Erasmus+Bioengineering DepartmentBioengineering (English)Poland Nicolaus Copernicus University PL TORUN0120152028Email: incoming@erasmus.umk.pl Link for more information: https://www.umk.pl/en/erasmus/contact/ Students can get information regarding the course offers to be given at the partner institutions by examining their Erasmus websites for the incoming students.ENTümüB2, C1, C2
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